


Australia is a developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world, with the world’s 12th largest economy. It continues to be one of the most desired study destinations for Indians. The country offers a high standard of living and a culturally diverse society. It ranks in the list of top 10 countries in terms of quality of life, health, education, economic freedom as well as the protection of civil liberties and political rights.

Australia offers short, intensive courses that are quick on the uptake with new innovations and trends. The country has a straightforward visa process which makes it an easy country to work with. There are over 70,000 Indian students in Australia and the number has been increasing every year. Another best thing of Australian education is that graduates from institutes are often recruited in top multinational companies around the globe. The country has never failed to attract students from around the world including China, New Zealand, South Korea, India, and many more.

To summarize the benefits of studying in Australia:

  • High Quality Education
  • Lower cost of living expenses as compared to US and UK
  • Easy & Fast student Visa Process
  • 2 years of work permit after study
  • Permanent Residency possible after study
  • Provide Immigration Services Experience Agents
  • Diversity in culture and Friendly Environment

Frequently Asked Question

Ask Us Your Further Visa Queries

  • The education system in Australia?

    Like Other Countries, the Education System of Australia is mainly divided into three broad areas- Primary School, Secondary / Senior Secondary School and Tertiary Education. Australia offers a diverse range of study options for international students, with more than 1,100 institutions and over 22,000 courses tailored for international students. Australian Universities also incorporate the latest innovations, technological advances and current trends in the industry to ensure that their programs meet the highest education standards.

  • Do I need a student Visa in Australia? For how long can I study there?

    You'll need a student visa if you’re planning to study in Australia full time and if the course is for longer than three months.


    Student visa requirements include:

    1. Confirmation of Enrolment (COE)
    2. Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)
    3. Financial Requirements.
    4. English Proficiency Requirement.
    5. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

  • How much will the tuition fee cost me in Australia?

    Depending on the choice for your course and university, the tuition fees varies accordingly.


    Mainly the tuition fees structure is segregated into following 3 sections:

    • Vocational Education and Training (Certificates I to IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma) – approx $ 4,000 to $22,000 annually
    • Undergraduate bachelor degree- approx $15,000 to $33,000 annually
    • Postgraduate master degree - approx $20,000 to $37,000 annually
    • Doctoral degree - approx $14,000 to $37,000 annually

  • Are there any scholarships for international students in Australia?

    The Australian Government has a large scholarship program for scholarships for international students and invests some $200 million dollars per year in programs at universities and other tertiary institutions around the country. It is very competitive to get an Australian scholarship.

  • Does Australia provide degree that is recognized globally?

    Yes, degrees from Australian Universities are recognized all over the world. Graduates from Australian schools are highly sought after by both the country's own and international employers. 

    Australian degrees are recognized worldwide which means you can quickly get an international job after graduating from Australia.

  • Can I avail public health services in Australia?

    No, But Australia has a special health insurance coverage for international students called Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). OSHC is insurance designed to help international students cover the costs of medical and hospital care that they may need while in Australia.

    The cost of the OSHC policy will depend on the level of cover that you choose; however, according to research, the lowest cost of minimum cover is $438/ year for singles cover, $2,685/year for couples cover and $4,026/year for family cover.

    OSHC assists international students to meet the costs of medical and hospital care they may need while in Australia. OSHC also includes ambulance cover and limited pharmaceuticals.

  • Accommodation facilities for international students in Australia

    Australia is one of the favorite study destinations for students all over the world. One of the international student's primary concerns after moving to Australia is finding the right accommodation. Luckily, the country offers different types of accommodation options for international students, ranging from homestay, university accommodations to a self-catered apartments and share houses.

    1. Homestay: Student can expect to pay between AUD $250 and AUD$ 350 per week, depending on the type of meals, rooms, and utilities
    2. Residential Colleges: Cost is around between AUD$ 200 and AUD$ 750 including utilities weekly.
    3. Managed student apartments: Cost is approximately AUD$ 200 and AUD$ 500 per week. This includes utilities such as power, gas, water and internet.
    4. Private Rental: You can expect to pay around AUD $100 and AUD $500 per week. However, you will have to pay for food and utilities yourself.
    5. Boarding Schools: The accommodation cost is around AUD$ 11,000 to $ 22,000 per year.
    6. Hostel Accommodation: This is a popular option for students who are either moving overseas or interstate to study. It is a good short-term option for students until they find some permanent place to live. There are 2 types of hostel accommodations to choose from: Backpacjer Hostels and Classic Hostels

  • What kinds of working opportunities are available for international students in Australia after education?

    If you have achieved Australian qualification, you may be able to apply for a post study work visa that lets you stay in Australia for up to three to four years. This will allow you to get some practical work experience.

    As per the survey conducted of international students graduating from Australian Universities, it has been drawn that 71%-79% of graduates have a full-time job. After completion of course, 70% diploma/ certificate holders got employed in their respective fields.

  • What are the work rights for international students in Australia?

    Working in Australia is very easy to do while you are a studentAustralian student visas usually allow full time degree students (undergraduate and postgraduate) to work up to 40 hours per fortnight in the academic year and full time in Course Vacations. You won't be able to work until after your course has started.

    A student on a Student Visa is entitled to earn a minimum wage of $18.23 per hour or $719.20 per 38 hour week (before tax), though there are chances of earning more than this.

    International students will also be paid for annual and public holidays, and for rest breaks.