Refusal Cases

Incase of refusal of the visa application, every application is supported with the refusal letter, however this letter happens to be a generic letter where it is difficult of determine the reason of refusal at first place, hence inspite of relying on this refusal letter, one must get the visa officer’s notes to address the concern of visa officer.

Visa officer determine the eligibility of applicants on the submitted documents and approve the application if they meet the criteria and refuse it they do not satisfy the criteria of the program.

Yes, at ‘Amin Migration’ we closely analyse the reason of rejections and work on the strength of application, justify the reason effectively as per client’s profile. Each case is different and has a different set of factors, we put our 100% efforts, and however the chances really depend on specific situation and evidences submitted in the application.

The criteria varies according to the situation and program, if reapplication is made it is very important to know and overcome the reason of refusal in previous application, merely a reapplication with no new information will lead to rejection of application.

If you are thinking about reapplying, it is very important that you apply with new information. If you simply submit the same information and documents, you will get the same answer – a refusal.